It is the first luxury beach hotel in Colombia and the only one with this certification that confirms its commitment to the environment.
With the presence of the hotel’s directors and investors, Arquitectura y Concreto will impose the plaque that makes official the delivery of the LEED certificate, the most recognized worldwide for sustainable buildings. This endorsement shows the hotel’s responsibility towards a friendly and sustainable operation in its 19,750 square meters of built area.

The architectural design of the hotel respects the environment to the maximum and gives way to sustainability with environmentally friendly resources and a place where people connect with biodiversity.
LEED certification is a commitment where it is evident that respect for the environment is not an intention but a reality that is reflected in concrete facts of optimization, efficiency and economy of energy and water use, use of local materials and/or materials obtained from recyclables, materials from forest crops or development of construction processes in which nature was cared for and preserved, among many other aspects that qualify to obtain environmental certification.

El primer hotel de lujo en playa es el resultado de la visión de un grupo de empresarios e inversionistas colombianos, quienes vieron en la isla de Barú un tesoro por descubrir y un lugar único para potenciar y desarrollar el turismo de lujo en Colombia. El grupo Argos, propietario del terreno y gestor del proyecto, Arquitectura y Concreto, gestor y constructor, el grupo francés Accor con su marca de lujo Sofitel y el vehículo de inversión inmobiliaria más grande de Colombia, PEI son las empresas que le apostaron a desarrollo de esta zona del Caribe colombiano.
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